Wednesday, July 20, 2011

USC Running Marc Tyler Suspended for Comments

The USC football program has suspended running back Marc Tyler for the season opener and possibly for more games. Tyler was the Trojan's leading rusher in 2010. He was suspended because of a video taken of him while he was leaving a club and made a joke about Kim Kardashian and about how USC paid him to play football. The school believed that the punishment was fair because of a few earlier alcohol related incidents that Tyler has had in the past.

Do I think this is fair? Sure, I think it's fair only because it is one game and it's against lowly Minnesota. Anything more than that and I am firmly opposed of this decision. I have watched the video and if you haven't, there is a link here. The thing that bothers me about the video, is that the guy is clearly joking and is a little drunk. He's a college kid, let him be a college kid. If this was a bigger game, then I would clearly be a little more upset about this, but it's Minnesota, at home, and it really shouldn't effect USC's season. So if this suspension makes the honchos at USC feel warm and fuzzy inside, then just let them do that.

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