Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Pac 12 Football Star Watch: Vontaze Burfict

One thing is for sure when talking about this years Arizona State Sun Devils, this team goes as Vontaze Burfict goes. Burfict is by far the best player on the Sun Devils. Burfict, was recruited by USC, but opted to play at Arizona State because he wanted to be a star. Well, I've got some news for you Vontaze, you were definitely going to be a star even if you had gone to USC. Burfict is so intense and fast that he has been compared to Ray Lewis in terms of his physical skills as well.

Arizona State is a potential top 25 team next season. There is a lot of speculation that Dennis Erickson is on thin ice there so maybe his players can crank it up and try to have a really good season for him.

If you love a team in the Pac 12 and are playing Arizona State, keep your eyes on Burfict. He'll be the guy who is flying around the ball making a ton of plays. No team is safe from an upset against the Burfict led Sun Devils because of the effect he has on a game.

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