Wednesday, March 21, 2012

UW Wins Over Oregon in NIT

Sure, it was only the NIT. And make no mistake, the championship game of the Not Invited Tournament is still just for a school to say it has the 69th best team in the country.

Still... UW's 90-86 victory over Oregon on Tuesday night was emotion-packed that boasted all the symptoms of a rivalry game.

The rivalry on the field is well documented between the two schools. The rivalry appears to be rapid and has spread to the hardwood as well.

Oregon fans taunted the UW's Nate Robinson in the early-2000's by holding up cardboard cutouts of Gary Coleman and chanting the minuscule actor's name to poke fun at Robinson's height.

Robinson famously retaliated by dunking at the end of a win at Oregon once the game had been decided. Baller.

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