Thursday, November 3, 2011

Could Bruins Top the Pac 12 South?

A french fry one week and a hero the next. Don't look now, but UCLA could be topping the Pac 12 South.

Just two weeks ago, Bruin Nation was clamoring for Rick Neuheisel to be fired. Now, the Bruins are one win away from being tied atop the Pac 12 South. For real...

A team that lost 49-20 to Texas, 45-19 to the undefeated Stanford Cardinals and 48-12 to Arizona is currently one game off pace in the league's weaker (ahem MUCH weaker) division.

The Bruins will play South leader Arizona State on Saturday in the Rose Bose.

What would happen if the Bruins topped the division? Would UCLA fans revolt out of their disgust for Neuheisel? Would they celebrate?

So many questions, but keep in mind the Bruins have their work cut out. Even if they pick up a win from ASU, the remaining schedule undoubtedly favors the Sun Devils.

It is fun to think about though, huh?

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