Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Former Arizona State Receiever Kerry Taylor Tweets that Erickson Should be Fired

Kerry Taylor, Arizona State's leading receiver tweeted this on Sunday:

"Just did an interview about the problems of ASU football and why Dennis Erickson is NOT the right man for the job."

He went on to say:

"I want ASU to win Pac12 Championships, all us ASU fans do. But in order for that to happen we need a new Head Coach. That's all I'm saying."

This report above is from ESPN.com

Here are my thoughts on this. First things first, Taylor did not need to tweet this. This does more to hurt their football program than it does to help it. He did the right thing by meeting with Athletic Directors, but taking it public gives the school bad publicity. Secondly, I think he's right. I go to the University of Oregon and I was really worried to play Arizona State. They have a really talented team and I really thought we could have been upset. Thankfully, they made so many stupid mistakes that the Ducks were able to prevail. This team had more penalties than any other team in the Pac 10 last year and was a very talented team. Dennis Erickson might be just too old for this job.

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